kde bude na začátku r.2006 (v angličtině)
Seminar Programmes
Swamiji's international seminar programmes for the rest of this year are as follows. If you would like to attend any of these programmes please contact Gangadevi here in London. Swamiji has recently reminded us (in Vep and Strilky) that anyone wishing to attend any Yoga In Daily Life Seminars must announce and book through their local Ashram/Centre before arriving to the seminar location and should pay the correct fee according to the country they live in.
* 2-4 December: Vep, Hungary - Mahaprabhuji Mahasamadhi Weekend Seminar
* 9-11 December: Salzburg, Austria - Weekend Seminar
* 16 December - 7 February - India
Much love from your London yoga family.
Hari Om
Pozn. md: až na veřejné přednášky (obvykle v Praze, Ostravě nebo Brně) je třeba se přihlašovat na jednotlivé "interní" programy se Svámidžím přes své místní jógacentrum s dostatečným předstihem